Got a question you can’t find the answer to? This is the page for you. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions on everything from sales to technical support.

Getting Started

Is there a limit on the number of data sources?

A structured data source is an application, such as an ERP CRM etc., with a structured transactional database. Spreadsheets and other documents are unlimited and not classed as a structured data sources.

The limit is for license purposes only and not a technical limitation. 5Y offers a Standard and Enterprise license tier but this can be amended as required. We can review on a periodic basis and as part of an annual account review, to align with your requirements.

Are unstructured data sources included in my plan?

Unstructured Data Sources are not included in the Standard license but are included in the Enterprise license. This is a licensing standard; unstructured data is aimed at Documents and IoT workloads, and these typically indicate an Enterprise customer hence the pricing tier.

Do you monitor the health of each Solution?

Statistics and logs are generated in the processing of each Solution. 5Y will actively monitor and react to alerts.

Do you provide ongoing upgrades and support?

5Y will always support changes to the base models of applications to which it connects. A change to an application which impacts a data load will be resolved and supplied to all clients (who have an active subscription).

Dashboards and Model enhancements are consolidated across all projects. New Models, Modules and Dashboards are made available to those with an active subscription.

How do you handle incremental changes and backups?

The Platform automatically takes snapshots and audits data flows. This automatically creates a backup of data and our incremental process is baked in.

What core skills are required by the customer?

5Y will work with the customer’s team to help accelerate Data Management and increase self-sufficiency within your team.

5Y can work with you on initial projects, for peak workloads or on an ongoing basis as required. This will also include skills transfer and training. After the Gap Fit Analysis, we will agree the resource required to develop any customisations and who will undertake them.

What Azure Services does the 5Y Unified Platform require?

5Y provides a prerequisites document that details the services required.

What are the platform’s refresh times?

Refresh times depend upon the data volumes and performance levels of the Azure infrastructure. Each table can be loaded independently to reduce processing time if needed.

Is there role-based security?

Role-based security can be applied based on customer need.

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5Y Unified Data Platform

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